Analysis of Biological Tissues and Structures: consittutive formulation and numerical modelling
Session Outline
The aim of the session is to offer reference examples pertaining to the investigation of biological tissue and structures by means of an integrated experimental and numerical approach. Constitutive formulations and parameters identification are provided for material and geometric non linear problems, reporting on computational biomechanics approach developed.
Lecture 1: Mechanics of urethral tissues and structures
The lecture refers to a general project on the mechanics in urology, with specific reference to bladder, urethra and overall functional response of the lower urinary system. In particular, the mechanics of urethral duct is treated, in consideration of the adoption of artificial sphincteric devices to overcome incontinence problems. Experimental activity is performed on urethral tissues and structural test are carried out on the overall urethral duct, to provide constitutive parameters definition within the formulated material model. The numerical analysis of urethral duct leads to a valid set of results pertaining to the definition of the mechanics of urethral lumen occlusion under the action of prosthetic device, stressing the integration with surgical practice.
Lecture 2: Dental implant biomechanics
The lecture pertains to the analysis of the biomechanical behaviour of prosthetic devices with specific regard to dental implants, considering the interaction phenomena occurring with trabecular and cortical bone in the upper and lower jaw, considering the different prosthetic configurations and in direct relation with clinical practice.
Notes on bone constitutive formulation are reported. The solid model of the anatomical region and of the specific implants and overall dental framework are described, together with specific numerical models. The biomechanical analysis mimics the specific surgical practice.
Lecture 3: Constitutive formulation and numerical modelling for investigation of foot mechanics
The lecture pertains to the analysis of biomechanical behaviour of foot tissue and structure, with regard to bone, cartilages, ligaments, tendons, adipose tissue and skin. In particular, the adipose tissue are treated, pointing out the formulations developed and the structural analysis performed with specific regard to rear foot. Notes are also reported to offer a general overview of the investigation performed on foot mechanics, considering the different components and evaluating the effects of damage phenomena occurring because of ageing, pathologies and traumas.